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  • Writer's pictureFinchnaturals

There's Soap EVERYWHERE.

This sounds like a spoiler alert about a creative catastrophe, but really, it isn't. This is the case of a small family in a small home with a small business.

2019 marks my fifth year in business and folks, I've sort of been winging it in certain areas - I don't have a designated studio space, just an unorthodox garage space that doubles as a production space; I don't have a curing space, just a finished basement with many fold out tables, stackable berry boxes from Costco with lots and lots of parchment paper; I don't have an office, just a roaming laptop and a frustrated husband who thinks I could be "more paperless." Finally, I don't have a storage area, just more than a few designated closets and cupboards stocked with ingredients and a not-so-deal unit at the local Cubesmart. Soapmaking requires a lot of stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I keep track of all of my receipts, every ounce of oil, and every recipe with notes about my production. I keep things clean and organized and free from dirt, germs, and pests, but something needs to change. I need to find peace in how I operate this small business in this small home. A home-based business needs to be organized and it's time to get more intentional about this. Marie Kondo, where art thou?

I'm happy to say that I've got a plan for 2020.

1. An office. As I write this, I am sitting at a new-to-me desk in a space I am inspired to make into my designated office. Sure, it's inside my existing closet - I think, technically, the people who know things on the internet call this a Cloffice, but I don't care. It feels really nice to have a desk to sit and write and plan. By the end of this year, I'll have everything in order and I plan to make it pretty. I'll be sure to share pictures. Coming soon!!

2. A studio. I've spent a good deal of time planning a grand switcheroo in our home, which includes our laundry room and pantry, our finished basement, and our garage. We don't use our garage in the traditional sense and I realized that I can make that large space better suit our needs. I've worked out most of the details and have suggested my plans to Dave. He didn't hate the idea and I think he may actually be impressed. We have a small home and it has been a struggle - in the past 16 years - to make it functional. We have a growing son and know that as he grows, we will feel crowded. This may take all year, but if everything goes my way, our garage will be the hub for our pantry/ freezer, Dave's tool bench, household storage, our plant stand and potting bench, and a simplified laundry room. (You guys - our laundry room is the absolute furthest away from our bedroom - 3 levels up.) Why does all of this belong on a blog post about a soapmaking company? Because... when that lovely little laundry room becomes available, I will have a designated studio. It's perfect because it meets all of the criteria for good manufacturing processes. The best part is that I've already figured out how to make it work. I've picked out the stainless steel table for production, the baker's racks for curing, and have daydreamed about using that dark closet - currently a wayward pantry - to house all of my ingredients and supplies. There is ventilation, great lighting, a drain on the floor, and a utility sink.

3. Market Storage. Right now, the Cubesmart storage is happening and it's working... but I hope to streamline my VAST collection of market displays, figure out a way to eliminate that monthly bill and keep my tent and tables and displays out of sight. This one is TBD and will happen only after the first two are in order. All in good time, my pretties. All in good time.

Bottom line is this: I feel a bit all over the place right now - my basement is covered in hundreds of curing bars of soap and my husband is hiding in his own office space (must be nice!) to avoid all of this crazy soap lady's holiday mess - but change is coming and I know that I can make this small business fit inside of our small home. It's no small feat, but I've got a sparkle in my eye.

More to come!


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